
EUCAST news and updates (2024.12.03)

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    2024-12-03 17:31
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EUCAST news and updates

Dear colleagues,

The following news items have been published in the previous month:

  • 02 Dec 2024:  The breakpoint table for antifungal agents and the presentation of ECOFFs updated.

    The breakpoint table for antifungal agents (V. 11) and the overview of clinical breakpoints and ECOFFs have been updated. 


  • 25 Nov 2024:  Anidulafungin and micafungin rationale documents updated

    The anidulafungin and micafungin rationale documents updated by the EUCAST AFST subcommittee (25 November, 2024).


  • 20 Nov 2024:  Public consultation on Endocarditis breakpoints - EUCAST response

    Following public consultation, EUCAST publishes formal responses to queries and views submitted during the consultation period. The comments during the consultation on EUCAST proposed endocarditis breakpoints, the EUCAST responses and decisions are now published (20 November, 2024). Throughout the document the abbreviation "IE" for Infective Endocarditis was used.


  • 15 Nov 2024:  Guidance on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia - updated November, 2024.

    The EUCAST guidance on the use of antimicrobial agents in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.


  • 09 Nov 2024:  When there are no breakpoints!

    The first and very important question is, when are there no breakpoints in the EUCAST breakpoint tables?


    Look for guidance on the interpretation of test results in breakpoint tables, expert rules and in EUCAST advice on expected phenotypes. In breakpoint tables guidance can be in the form of numerical values, a “dash” or “IE”. Elsewhere the recommendations are in tables describing the expected activity of agents against organisms.


    So, when are there no EUCAST breakpoints?


    1. When a species or an agent is not in any of the mentioned tables.
    2. When a numerical breakpoint is substituted with an “IE”, eg. insufficient evidence to determine a breakpoint.


    When are there EUCAST breakpoints?


    1. A species/agent is listed in tables with numerical values.
    2. A species/agent is listed with dash (“-“) in tables. The dash carries clear EUCAST advice that the agent is unsuitable for treatment of infections caused by the organism and to avoid clinical use (and testing). If there is a need to report, EUCAST advocates reporting as “resistant” without prior testing.
    3. A species/agent is listed with guidance in either “Expert rules” or “Expected phenotypes”.


    The clear difference between “dash” and “IE” is emphasized. “IE” is to some extent encouraging and if an MIC can be obtained, further advice may be available in “When there are no breakpoints”. “Dash”, on the other hand, relieves the microbiologist from having to discuss or act further.




Please visit the EUCAST News page to read more.

All changes to the EUCAST website and to AST recommendations and guidance are listed in a table on the EUCAST website!

With kind regards,

  ESCMID Executive Office
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 508 0150
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The EUCAST Newsletter is issued on behalf of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) by the ESCMID Executive Office. It contains announcements of EUCAST-related matters and other information of interest to professionals in the infection field.